Sunday, October 12, 2008

More photos on my Swift

I love the spoiler. My Swift looks gorgeous with the moon crest spoiler. :P


  1. MAn,

    Since you are not really keen on performance upgrade and is totally crazed with your car out look..... Have you got your Meguirs?
    After you clean and polish with this stuff... our eyes can go blind liow >.<.... :P

  2. wow nice ride u got there..=D

  3. Hi Vince.... haha thanks for the compliment....
    I just use polymer sealant to polish my car... didn't go for Meguirs yet...


  4. I used to use polymer sealant but have switched to ICE 6 months back... it is easier to wipe on and wipe off.... polish in less than 1 hour and no/much less debris.

    But i still think you should go for Meguir's.

  5. Where can I get Meguiar's product in Ipoh?
    I can try it since my polymer sealant just finish... :P
