Tuesday, July 7, 2009

DIY dismantle Suzuki Swift Air Box

Spend an hour to learn how to dismantle my car's air box yesterday.
I didn't plan to modify or change to Open Pod yet... :P Just want to learn how does the airbox design and how it was assemble in my car.
I tried to start the engine without the air filter on and the sound was loud. (forgot to take video)
BTW I had locate the vacuum hose for me to tap for my vacuum meter too. Still thinking wanted to to install it or not.....

Ignition Coil of my car


  1. The first question i would ask my self before any mods is:
    "What is the purpose to do this?". If the possible effect is desired, i will go for it. It is ok to screw up but make sure you have plan B to restore back. At least i would know if the mods worked.

    So... why you want to have a vacuum meter on your dash? Is there any technical advantage, if not than better go for water Temp meter (Factory meters sucks big time).

  2. cool, interesting, you need to take off the engind cover too in order to dismantle the air gilter box?

  3. Vince... the vacuum meter is from my previous car... btw vacuum meter got its own function too... can check is there any valve leak and so on... can monitor the throttle opening.. the main point is it can move too... hahaha...

    Lvin...i take out the engine cover to wipe only... and also check how's the ignition coil looks like...
