Today is holiday for my company so I decided to go to practise touge at cameron early morning.
I woke up at 7.15am and head up to cameron around 7.45am. I made 2 round of touge today just to practise the racing line, braking, handling and heel and toe. I think i still need a lot of practise as i feel that my handling was no smooth... By the way i need to practise weight transfer also as mention from tougeking...
Beautiful sky at cameron

Not many car during morning touge practise session, but I still saw a police car going downhill.

Great job! I see you really have the touge fire in you! Let's touge this Saturday morning. I want to try out a different setting on my car :)
Hahaha... i was testing out my brake pad man... but i feel that my suspension cannot cope with heavy braking... now i must learn weight transfer...
Let me know what time you plan to go man....else we go at 9.30am ok?
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