My parents was out of town for few days... leaving me alone over the weekend...
Friday night, kopinet sms me around midnight asking me whether i going to touge the next morning and i reply yes on same time same place.
The next day i woke up at 7am due to my gf called me to act as my alarm clock :P for jogging...
I used to jog (fast walking) at polo ground near tambun on every Saturday morning when i didn't go to KL visit my gf...
Many people at polo ground during weekends
After had my breakfast i headed to the meet up place to wait for kopinet... bad things is kopinet didn't shown up!!! this time he didn't even sms me to cancle!!! (will wack him when i meet him) So i decide to go alone... when I reach the starting point; there are two police cars hiding at a blind corner (dam no touge for today) i believe they are waiting for their prey again...
So i decided not to touge but just act as tourist for today. Here are some shorts taken with my poor handphone.

So i decided not to touge but just act as tourist for today. Here are some shorts taken with my poor handphone.
Starting point Nice corner
S corner
Another nice S corner but i normally run in straight by cutting to opposite road
Blind corner; I got to come often in order to memorised the touge route...
This is check point where we used to take a rest.
Starting point of downhill

This type of S turn become very dangerous when you going downhill fast. I still remember kopinet spun his car on this type of corner; luckily no opposite car if not i will bang his ass right away :P
Reaching the check point again. You can see there are lots of car had kissed the divider before; better slow down when you see this...
Bro, you should have called me! My plans changed and I went up on Sunday...
Don't worry about the cops too ;)
Ha ha TK its ok lah... got police car on that day so i dont dare to touge hard... just go there makan angin lo... and snap some photos...
Will call you next time ok?
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