I arrive at Caltex gas station early today about 9.20am as i finish my jogging and breakfast session at polo ground today... around 9.30am we saw a red color car with white stripes coming to our direction as we know he is tougeking.... TK came out from the car and shook hand with us; we chat a while then head up to cameron...
TK lead the way for uphill session.... as his 4 throttle roar n shoot up to cameron... kopi and i are struggling to follow his touge machine... kopi is faster than me during the uphill session as he able to overtake some tourist faster than me... i arrive at the check point and saw TK already park his car at the opposite road :( (i'm really slow)

We park our car at at checkpoint and chat up a while before downhill session... TK was telling about some track day preparation as i going to join my first track day next weekend...
he advised me to use some 'botak' tires for practise and learn up the turning limit of my car before switching to those grip tires...
after chat for a while then TK ask us to lead the way downhill as he wanted to observe our racing line downhill... i told kopi to lead the way as he is faster than me all the time....
after few corners suddenly i saw kopi's car start to spin... i believe he had going in to that corner too fast... during that moment i was behind kopi's car and i waited for his car spin to a direction so that i can decide to avoid hitting him... luckily kopi's car was spinning for a turn without hitting any divider and so... i park my car at road side and waiting for TK and kopi to come by... TK told us what he saw just and regret didn't put up his video shooting today... :P
We went to a shop and had some lemon juiced (it was great) and chatted a whie before we went back home...
Overall it was a fun and exciting touge with TougeKing and Kopinet today... looking forward to had more session with them.... :P
Hey bro,
It was nice meeting you guys :) Will call you for more touge sessions, in the mean time, if you need any help on track prep for the weekend, lemme know.
Hey bro... ya i think you need to tell me what should i prepare for a track day... i read from the net that i need to prepare a extra pair of brake pad, engine oil... i donno what else i need to bring... let me know ok...
Check your brake pads, if they are more than 50%, you probably have enough. I doubt you'll need an extra pair of pads, as this track doesn't have high speed main straights.
I suggest you bring some engine oil in case you need to top up, some tools, e.g. to change tires if shit happen, and a helmet. Also, please check your brake fluid. Is your brake fluid DOT 4 or above?
Ok i had noted it down, i think my brake pad is still new (less than 1year) but i forgot my brake fluid is DOT3 or DOT4 already.
I plan to diy the brake cooling hose by this week too.
Bro let me know which date i should join when you had confirm ok
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